

【Case Reportsを初めて書く若手医師へ】カバーレターテンプレート

Case Reportをかくにあたってのヒントとなるような記事を前回か来ました。







May 20, 2020 <日付>


Richard ******** <編集長名前>

Editor in Chief

********** Case Report <雑誌名(斜字体)>


Dear Dr. *********<編集長名前or単に"Dear Editor">:


I wish to submit a case report for publication in ********* Case Report titled “ <論文タイトル> ” The paper was coauthored by *********, *********, *********, and *********. <共著者氏名>


This report describes a rare case of a patient who initially presented with ********************. <取り上げている疾患の概要、なぜ珍しいか、症例報告としての注目点など。> We believe that our report makes a significant contribution to the literature as our finding has clinical applicability that can be helpful to other physicians; it demonstrates the need for a high degree of suspicion for ************ in elderly patients presenting with ************.


Further, we believe that this paper will be of interest to the readership of your journal because in addition to the description of this rare case, it also demonstrates the clinical benefits of *************** in these patients. This case report will be of particular interest to clinicians involved in the management of similar patients as it will provide a learning experience regarding the need to suspect **************** in all elderly patients, as delays in diagnosis are known to adversely affect patient outcomes.


This manuscript has not been published or presented elsewhere in part or in entirety and is not under consideration by another journal. The patient’s family provided informed consent for the publication of this report. We have read and understood your journal’s policies, and we believe that neither the manuscript nor the study violates any of these. There are no conflicts of interest to declare.


Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.




Dr. ************** <自分の名前>

Department of Emergency Medicine, ************* Hospital, <病院名・部署名>

**************** <病院住所>

Telephone: ****************

E-mail address: ****************